Advanced Usage ============== .. py:currentmodule:: aiocometd Connection types ---------------- The Bayeux_ protocol used by CometD_ is a transport-independent protocol, that can be carried over HTTP or over WebSocket (or other transport protocols), so that an application is not bound to a specific transport technology. aiocometd supports the :py:obj:`~ConnectionType.LONG_POLLING` and :py:obj:`~ConnectionType.WEBSOCKET` transports. When a client connects to a CometD_ server, a so called handshake operation is executed first using the default transport that all CometD_ servers should support. Based on the types of transports that the server offers and what the client supports, the client picks one of the transports that it will use to communicate with the server. By default, if the preferred connection types are not specified when the :py:obj:`Client` is created, it will use the :py:obj:`~ConnectionType.WEBSOCKET` transport if it's supported by the server or otherwise fall back to using :py:obj:`~ConnectionType.LONG_POLLING`. If you prefer a different ordering then it can be specified when the :py:obj:`Client` is created: .. code-block:: python client = Client("", connection_types=[ConnectionType.LONG_POLLING, ConnectionType.WEBSOCKET]) If there is only a single connection type that you would wan't your client to accept or fail if it's not available on the server, then instead of a list specify a single connection type: .. code-block:: python client = Client("", connection_types=ConnectionType.WEBSOCKET) Extensions ---------- Extensions allow the modification of a message just after receiving it but before the rest of the message processing takes place, or just before sending it. An extension normally adds fields to the message being sent or received in the ext_ object that the Bayeux_ protocol specification defines. An extension is not a way to add business fields to a message, but rather a way to process all messages, including the meta messages the Bayeux_ protocol uses, and to extend the Bayeux_ protocol itself. aiocometd provides abstract base classes for implementing custom extensions using the :py:obj:`Extension` and :py:obj:`AuthExtension` classes. Extension ~~~~~~~~~ To create a new extension use the :py:obj:`Extension` class as the base class: .. code-block:: python class MyExtension(Extension): async def incoming(payload, headers=None): pass async def outgoing(payload, headers): pass The incoming message payload, which is a list of messages, is first passed to the :py:meth:`~Extension.incoming` method along with the received headers. The incoming headers might or might not be empty, it depends on the type of transport used, whether it receives headers for responses. The outgoing payload along with the headers are passed to the :py:meth:`~Extension.outgoing` method before sending. Custom extension implementation can use these two methods to inspect or alter the messages or headers. The list of extension objects that you would want to use should be passed to the :py:obj:`Client`. .. code-block:: python client = Client("", extensions=[MyExtension()]) AuthExtension ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :py:obj:`AuthExtension` class, which is based on :py:obj:`Extension`, can be used to implement authentication extensions. For authentication schemes where the credentials are static it doesn't makes much sense to use :py:obj:`AuthExtension` instead of :py:obj:`Extension`. However for schemes where the credentials can expire (like OAuth, JWT...) :py:meth:`~AuthExtension.authenticate` method can be reimplemented to update those credentials. The :py:meth:`~AuthExtension.authenticate` method is called by the client after an authentication failure. .. code-block:: python class MyAuthExtension(AuthExtension): async def incoming(payload, headers=None): pass async def outgoing(payload, headers): pass async def authenticate(): # get new JWT An auth extension should be passed to the client separately from the other extensions. .. code-block:: python client = Client("", extensions=[MyExtension()] auth=MyAuthExtension()) Network failures ---------------- When a :py:obj:`Client` object is opened, it will try to maintain a continuous connection in the background with the server. If any network failures happen while waiting to :py:meth:`~Client.receive` messages, the client will reconnect to the server transparently, it will resubscribe to the subscribed channels, and continue to wait for incoming messages. To avoid waiting for a server which went offline permanently, a ``connection_timeout`` can be passed to the :py:obj:`Client`, to limit how many seconds the client object should wait before raising a :py:obj:`~exceptions.TransportTimeoutError` if it can't reconnect to the server. .. code-block:: python client = Client("", connection_timeout=60) try: message = await client.receive() except TransportTimeoutError: print("Connection is lost with the server. " "Couldn't reconnect in 60 seconds.") The defaul value is ``10`` seconds. If you pass ``None`` as the ``connection_timeout`` value, then the client will keep on trying indefinitely. Prefetch and backpressure ------------------------- When a :py:obj:`Client` is opened it will start and maintain a connection in the background with the server. It will start to fetch messages from the server as soon as it's connected, even before :py:meth:`~Client.receive` is called. Firstly, prefetching messages has the advantage, that incoming messages will wait in a buffer for users to consume them when :py:meth:`~Client.receive` is called, without any delay. Secondly, the client has no choice but to accept incoming messages. The Bayeux_ protocol is modelled very heavily around long-polling type HTTP transports. Which requires from clients to send periodic requests to the server to simulate a continuous connection, otherwise the server will terminate the session. This makes it impossible to use backpressure, even with the type of transports like WebSocket which would otherwise support it. So the connection can not be suspended if the client can't keep up with receiving the incoming messages, or otherwise the session will be closed. To avoid consuming all the available memory by the incoming messages, which are not consumed yet, the number of prefetched messages can be limited with the ``max_pending_count`` parameter of the :py:obj:`Client`. The default value is ``100``. .. code-block:: python client = Client("", max_pending_count=42) The current number of messages waiting to be consumed can be obtained from the :py:obj:`Client.pending_count` attribute. .. include:: global.rst